Goddess Healing on Crystal Mat
Goddess healing is a multi-purpose 30 min healing on the Amethyst Bio Mat plus a Zen Chi Massage at the same time. This is an In-House healing only, at Crystal Box Shop in Wickham Terrace Spring Hill, Brisbane.
Amethyst Bio Mat
Rejuvenates Cells, Reduces Pain, Reduces Stress and Fatigue, Improves Sleep, Strengthens the Immune System, Helps with Alfa Brain Waves, Promotes Healing.
The Zen Chi Masage
Helps with Chi Flow, Circulation of the Blood, Oxygenates the Body, Clears the Lymph Glands, Stronger Joints, Enhances Internal Organs, Strengthens and Aligns Spinal Column, Reduces muscle Fatigue, Support for Respiratory and Immune System, Improves Metabolism Function.