Past Life Regression Therapy & Healing Session 1hour
Past Life Regression Therapy and Healing
an hour of blissful healing on the Chakra Mat with a Past Life Regression CD gently guiding you back into your other lives hundreds if not thousands of years ago.
We all have many lives we have lived as different characters and experienced many hardships and burdens. Sometimes we bring in some of these traumas into this present lifetime through cellular/physical memory, ancestry, or spiritual awareness.
These memories lay within the subconscious buried so deep that we are not consciously aware of them, but unfortunately it does affect our everyday lives like a hidden emotion sabotaging your present life and relationships.
This healing is to help you identify that life time that is affecting this life time and as soon as it comes into your consciousness from the subconscious you automatically release this experience.
in the meantime you are receiving 5 healings in one by laying on the Chakra Mat for an hour. This is the more gentle regression therapy to help you release all that you were hanging on to without even realising.
$85 per session
This is in-house therapy only.
for booking call 0402639830
Crystal Box
shop 9/101 Wickham Terrace
Spring Hill 4000
Brisbane City